Plethora of Money from Sales and Bonuses

Boost Your Profits using Sales and Bonuses as Incentives

Do you have a plethora of physical products and/or digital products to offer? Are you making a lot of sales? Maybe you’re just starting out and you’re on the verge of launching your first product or service. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, your business could always use a boost; sales and bonuses are an incredible place to start. In order to really boost your profits and level up your business, there’s two different techniques at your disposal. The first technique is to run a sale, the second is to provide a bonus when someone purchases something from you. You [……..]

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Upselling, Downselling and Cross-Selling — WTF?

If you’re not super interested in marketing or you’re just getting started, you may not have heard the terms “upsell,” “downsell” or “cross-sell” yet. You may be wondering what on earth these words mean and why you should care. One word: profit. When done correctly, implementing upsells, cross-sells and downsells into your checkout process can triple your profits. I’ll bet your attention is peaked now. What IS a Cross-Sell? A cross-sell is when a customer comes to you to buy one of your products and you sell them additional products related to that initial product. For example, the customer wants to buy a phone [……..]

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The Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway Challenge

Hey loves! I’m going to be participating in a free 30-day challenge starting on January 1, 2017. It’s the Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway Challenge hosted by Vanessa Rende from Empire Rebels. Basically, it’s 30 days of doing Facebook Live on your Facebook Fan Page or the Empire Rebels Facebook Group. The only purpose of this challenge is to get you comfortable with doing Facebook Live. Description of the Event from Vanessa Rende “No sales pitch, no hidden agendas, no hidden requirements. You on your business page (or in our community) + feeling the fear and doing it [……..]

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The Differences Between Custom Code and WordPress

WordPress is a nice solution for anyone without basic coding skills who still want to regularly update their content on their own. This includes adding new blog posts, updating copy, or swapping out images. To get an example between the two options, our blog is a WordPress website, the rest of our website is custom-coded. So What is The Difference Between Custom Code and WordPress? WordPress is more limiting in the customization options, but gives you access to plugins for different functionality (such as easily adding social media share buttons or creating forms). It also has an editor for adding [……..]

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Woman Using Computer

The Difference Between a Webinar and a Teleseminar

You may not know what a webinar or a teleseminar is or perhaps you confuse the terms. That’s okay, marketing can be complicated. We’re about to make it easy. Both webinars and teleseminars are powerful marketing tools that effectively get the word out about you, your company, and your product. These can be used during a product launch to really boost your sales. So what are they and what’s the difference between them? The Difference Between Webinars and Teleseminars Let’s break down the difference between these two marketing tools, shall we? A webinar is visual. It’s a live or prerecorded [……..]

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Digital Products are awesome

Using Webinars to Sell Your Product – Part 3

By now, you’ve learned all about what a webinar is, how to make your offer during the webinar, how to hold your audiences’ attention during your offer, why you would even make an offer during a webinar, among other things. If you haven’t, read Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Now, I’m going to offer you a little advice. Listen closely, because this is a secret among the elite; a confidential and uber-hidden tactic left only to the serious professionals, passed down for thousands of years… or something like that. The Juicy Advice A lot of marketers and [……..]

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Using Webinars to Sell Your Product – Part 2

In our last post, Using Webinars to Sell Your Product — Part 1, I discussed reasons your product launch might have flopped and offered advice on adding a Webinar to your product launch plan. Well, there’s still more to learn, so let’s get crackin’! So… What on Earth is a Webinar? A webinar is simply a seminar conducted over the Internet. It can be on any topic, as long as the topic is informative, educational, or entertaining. It has to be something people would actually want to attend, otherwise… there’s really no point, is there? The webinar should be between [……..]

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Using Webinars to Sell Your Product – Part 1

You’ve pulled several all-nighters. You haven’t seen your friends in months. Your skin is beginning to glow in the dark because you haven’t seen the light of day in so long and you’re starting to forget your kids’ names (Billy? Jimmy? No?). Your heart starts to race as you realize you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You roll up your sleeves, crack your knuckles and finally put the finishing touches on. You read through each and every single word for the ten-millionth time. You dot the i’s and cross the t’s. YES! You’ve finally just [……..]

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