Hi lovies! I wanted to take a moment to celebrate the successes this month and look back on the progress that was made. We’ve worked extremely hard getting everything launched and out there into the world. We’re patting ourselves on the back and taking a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come in just a month. This month, we launched our brand new website, AlkireMarketing.com and we spread the word about it on our brand new social media channels. We now have a Facebook page, an Instagram, a Twitter and even a Snapchat (which we haven’t quite figured out yet). [……..]
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The Difference Between a Webinar and a Teleseminar
You may not know what a webinar or a teleseminar is or perhaps you confuse the terms. That’s okay, marketing can be complicated. We’re about to make it easy. Both webinars and teleseminars are powerful marketing tools that effectively get the word out about you, your company, and your product. These can be used during a product launch to really boost your sales. So what are they and what’s the difference between them? The Difference Between Webinars and Teleseminars Let’s break down the difference between these two marketing tools, shall we? A webinar is visual. It’s a live or prerecorded [……..]
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The Tale of Two Restaurants
I believe, in life, we find lessons in the most unusual places… and generally, those places are fairly uncomfortable. I saw a brilliant opportunity to teach about how to retain customers and clients, even after you’ve messed up somehow—even if they’ve vowed to themselves never to return or do business with you again. And this lesson came, of course, in an unusual way. It came to me when my husband and I went out for one birthday dinner and one birthday lunch for him (as an aside: apparently, I should just cook dinner at home for his birthdays from now [……..]
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Using Webinars to Sell Your Product – Part 3
By now, you’ve learned all about what a webinar is, how to make your offer during the webinar, how to hold your audiences’ attention during your offer, why you would even make an offer during a webinar, among other things. If you haven’t, read Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Now, I’m going to offer you a little advice. Listen closely, because this is a secret among the elite; a confidential and uber-hidden tactic left only to the serious professionals, passed down for thousands of years… or something like that. The Juicy Advice A lot of marketers and [……..]
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Using Webinars to Sell Your Product – Part 2
In our last post, Using Webinars to Sell Your Product — Part 1, I discussed reasons your product launch might have flopped and offered advice on adding a Webinar to your product launch plan. Well, there’s still more to learn, so let’s get crackin’! So… What on Earth is a Webinar? A webinar is simply a seminar conducted over the Internet. It can be on any topic, as long as the topic is informative, educational, or entertaining. It has to be something people would actually want to attend, otherwise… there’s really no point, is there? The webinar should be between [……..]
Read moreOur Brand New Website Has Arrived!
But you probably know that already if you’re here. We’ve worked tirelessly to create something unique, honest, authentic and transparent, because we think business can be done better. We’re tired of having to put on a show and pretend to be something and someone we’re not, so we thought we’d lay all our cards out on the table and create something to take pride in rather than lose sleep over. We launched our new website, AlkireMarketing.com, last Monday, December 5th, and we’ve gotten some great feedback over the last week from all of you. We endlessly appreciate your support, feedback [……..]
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The One Sentence that Changed Everything
I once worked with an incredible woman who took a chance on me and allowed me to run the newsletter service in her company, developing email newsletters for clients and selling courses about creating their own email newsletters. When I had hit my three-month mark working with her, I had asked her to give me a review of my performance up to that point – I always found it helpful to receive honest feedback so that I could get an outside perspective on what I could improve upon and what I was doing correctly. During this review, she had said, [……..]
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Launch Day Jitters
If you’ve put a lot of time, energy, effort and money into your company or a new product, it’s only natural to get nervous when you’re about to finally release it into the wild and allow people to see your masterpiece. Trust me, I know these jitters well. But I’ve gotten those jitters down to a manageable level of nausea now! 😉 So… how can you go about overcoming the Launch Day Jitters? Well, here’s some tips and some inspiration for ya. Reach Out to Your Support Network These can be friends, family members, colleagues, your cat, or even the [……..]
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Using Webinars to Sell Your Product – Part 1
You’ve pulled several all-nighters. You haven’t seen your friends in months. Your skin is beginning to glow in the dark because you haven’t seen the light of day in so long and you’re starting to forget your kids’ names (Billy? Jimmy? No?). Your heart starts to race as you realize you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You roll up your sleeves, crack your knuckles and finally put the finishing touches on. You read through each and every single word for the ten-millionth time. You dot the i’s and cross the t’s. YES! You’ve finally just [……..]
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Yes, You ARE Good Enough
Throughout the day, your inner voice speaks to you. It’s there, whispering quietly to you every second of every day. That voice in your head you hear when you have a thought, a dream, an idea. Now, let me just take a moment to clarify that when I say “inner voice,” I do mean voice. As in singular… There’s probably a problem if you hear several. Just throwing that out there. Anyhoo… that voice. That voice can sometimes be a dick. Sometimes it tries really hard to sabotage your efforts. Sometimes it’ll tell you things… you’re not good enough. You’ll never [……..]
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